Event management, event professionals, eventex awards 2024, events EVENTEX AWARD 2024 for the Managing Director of AIDA READ MORE
88th TIF, Germany, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Papastratos, Stevia Hellas, TIF AIDA at the 88th TIF for PAPASTRATOS Company READ MORE
cat, dog, FFV, Plakentia, SMERC, Thessaloniki International Fair, Veterinary Clinic, Vets AIDA Partners with the “PLAKENTIA” Veterinary Clinics Group READ MORE
88th TIF, German Trade and Invest, Germany, Thessaloniki International Fair, TIF, Women in Business Mrs. Aida Nika as a Speaker at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) 2024 READ MORE
Event organisers, event professionals, Eventex awards, events, Marketing “The 50 Most Influential People In The Events Industry In Europe” READ MORE
B2B Meetings, Bulgaria, HELEXPO, MICE, Philoxenia, Philoxenia International Tourism Expo, Thessaloniki International Fair, TIF AIDA’s Strong Presence at the Philoxenia International Tourism Expo READ MORE
event professionals, Gala Dinner, SGS, SGS Greece AIDA Organizes SGS Greece’s 90th Anniversary Celebration READ MORE
B2B Meetings, Business, Connect on Tour Milan, event professionals, Italy, Milan AIDA’s Participation in Connect on Tour Milan by Thessaloniki Convention Bureau READ MORE
14th global eventex awards, Event plannings, event professional, Eventex awards, Marketing Mrs. Aida Nika as a Judge at the 14th GLOBAL EVENTEX AWARDS READ MORE